So minimus, do you actually support Trump or are you a conservative who disagrees partly or wholly in what he represents?
Village Idiot
JoinedPosts by Village Idiot
Election Post-Mortem
by Simon ini'm sure many people, republicans included, are shocked at the results of the 2016 presidential election.
really, wtf!.
the polls were wrong and although it's tempting to blame voter suppression and fbi interference, that would just avoid looking at the real issues for the loss.
Village Idiot
What if one of the GB members suddenly needed blood?
by StarTrekAngel inthere is not much to be analyzed.
in a cult enviromment the leader will always look up for himself.
he would never hesitate to break every rule to save his own skin.
Village Idiot
What if one of the GB members suddenly needed blood?
Hopefully he'll catch an exotic disease like Creutzfeldt-Jakob (The human version of Mad Cow disease). I heard that no test can screen that out.
I want to be a JW but they seem to hate me? Help!
by Alostpuppydog injust going to give a little background about myself and then bring anyone who is reading this up to speed with where i am today:.
growing up in a family that was not aware of jehovah's witnesses at all, as none of my family members have had a run-in with them other than my parents, my entire life has been a mess ever since we met them.
the witnesses first came to my door when i was 12 and my dad started bringing me to meetings and we even lived with a witness family for a month when we were both homeless due to my parent's divorce.
Village Idiot
High lostpuppy! Welcome to the forum. I cannot offer advice since I've never been a parent but there should be somebody on this forum who can. I hope the best for you.
Did anyone vote yet?
by NewYork44M ini voted today in nyc.
a well organized process.
very busy and most of the people voting were african american.
Village Idiot
Brokeback Watchtower,
Yeah I vote for Hillary and recreation sale of cannabis (california).
That's good about California's marijuana laws. At least the people there can smoke their Trump-troubles away.
Did anyone vote yet?
by NewYork44M ini voted today in nyc.
a well organized process.
very busy and most of the people voting were african american.
Village Idiot
Here is Nate Silver's infamous election website:
Trump has 168 electoral votes and Hillary has 109. She'll probably lose Florida which will impact her chances of getting a majority.
Fossilized foot prints, how do they explain it away?
by Crazyguy inso there have been many sets of fossilized human footprints found in africa, italy, europe, britain and new mexico.
these foot prints are thought to be anywhere from 20,000 to 2 million years old.
so what do christians and jws do to try to explain these away.
Village Idiot
Excellent book, well worth the price for its 500 pages (oversized and fine print) of exhaustive information on every aspect of the evolution/creation debate.. It has a chapter on those dinosaur prints that Creationists interpreted to be the footprints of giants (the nephilim).
Fifteen years later, I went to the UN in person.
by biblexaminer inof all the things that the watchtower has done wrong, what would you say is the singular most powerful thing that you could point a jw to, to crack their eyes open?
what is the singular thing that can be expressed bluntly and conclusively that might shock a jw to their senses?
if you could only carry one arrow in your quiver on your way to war with watchtower, what would it be?.
Village Idiot
The UN thing, they will say, was just for the Library card.
And I would respond by saying that "having a library card is no reason to ride the beast".
Still, I believe that 1914 is the best way to go. However, there's a new generation of Witnesses who were never exposed to the last 1914 doctrine so they may not care.
This should make most reasonable people stop believing in the Bible as infallible
by ILoveTTATT2 ini think that few parts of the bible can make you atheist or at least agnostic or at least kill your belief in the bible as infallible or the work of a loving god as comparing 2 samuel 24 with 1 chronicles 21. most people focus on the 1st verse, but there are at least 4 major and 1 minor contradiction in the chapter (they are parallel accounts).in the new world translation, 2 samuel 24 starts like this:.
24 and again the anger of jehovah came to be hot against israel, when one incited david against them, saying: “go, take a count of israel and judah.” .
notice that it is an impersonal "one" who incited david to do the census.
Village Idiot
Here's a list of biblical contradictions that I made up.
A Most Evil and Stupid Book
The Moral Depravity, Absurdities
and Contradictions of the Bible
OLD TESTAMENT (Jewish Bible)
1. Will the real Ten Commandments please stand up? Two different versions of the Ten Commandments that contradict each other: Exodus 20:1-17 compare to Exodus 34:1-27.
2. How the former slaves of Israel treated their own slaves:
Ø Non-Israelites could be taken as slaves for life and their children passed off as an inheritance: Leviticus 25:44-46 compare to Leviticus 19:33-34 where it says the exact opposite.
Ø A Hebrew slave was obligated for only six years of slavery but had to leave behind the wife his master gave him along with his children: Exodus 21:2-6.
Ø A master was allowed to savagely beat his slave so long as he or she did not die within a day or two: Exodus 21:20-21 compare to Exodus 2:11-12.
Ø If a slave had an eye blinded by his master he was to be set free but his master was not blinded in punishment according to the rule of an ‘eye for an eye’ that applied to other people guilty of the same crime: Exodus 21:26-27 compare to Leviticus 24:19-21.
3. Exterminate thy neighbors:
Ø All of them some of the time: Deuteronomy 3:1-6.
Ø Men only at other times. Women and children are plunder: Deuteronomy 20:10-18.
Ø Everyone except virgin girls when the mood strikes: Numbers 31:17-18.
Ø Take captive brides after killing their mother and father: Deuteronomy 21:10-14.
4. How the Israelites treated their ladies:
Ø If a single woman was raped, her rapist was punished by being forced to marry her, never divorce her and paying a fine to her father: Deuteronomy 22:28-29.
Ø Women got their hands cut off for defending their husbands if they yanked his attacker's testicles: Deuteronomy 25:11-12.
Ø If an engaged or married woman was raped she was to be executed if she failed to scream: Deuteronomy 22:23-24.
Ø A woman had to prove her virginity or be stoned to death: Deuteronomy. 22:13-21.
Ø A man could sell his daughter into permanent slavery: Exodus 21:7-11.
5. God had someone killed for gathering firewood on a Saturday: Numbers 15:32-36.
6. God cannot see well: Genesis 18:20-21; Deuteronomy 23:12-14.
7. God has a lot of trouble counting:
Ø King David kills 700 charioteers and 40,000 horsemen or is it 7,000 charioteers and 40,000 foot soldiers? 2 Samuel 10:18 compare to 1 Chronicles 19:18.
Ø King David kills 18,000 Edomites, or is it 12,000? 1 Chronicles 18:12 compare to Psalms 60 chapter title.
Ø King Solomon’s slave supervisors numbered 550 or 250? 1 Kings 9:20-23 compare to 2 Chronicles 8:7-10.
Ø A talent for exaggeration (Hint: A talent equals 75 lbs): 1 Chronicles 22:14.
8. God Unmighty! God miraculously saved the Israelites from Pharaoh’s chariots Exodus 14:23-25 but later he could not handle another nation’s chariots Judges 1:19.
NEW TESTAMENT (Christian Bible)
1. Jesus miraculously heals muteness, blindness and curved spines by exorcising demons.
Ø He makes blind and mute people see and talk by exorcising demons that possessed them: Matthew 12:22 and Luke 11:14.
Ø Jesus casts out demons that were responsible for a woman being a hunchback: Luke 13:10-13, 16.
2. Jesus curses a fig tree for not having fruit out of season: Mark 11:12-21; Matthew 21:18-20.
3. Jesus curses entire towns for not being impressed by his miracles but later asks God to forgive his murderers: Matthew 11:20-24 compare to Luke 23:34.
4. John the Baptist recognizes Jesus then later forgets who he is: John 1:29-34 compared to Matthew 11:2-3.
5. False prophesies of Jesus and his followers:
Ø The Messiah (“Son of Man”) will come before his disciples finish preaching in Israel. Matthew 10:21-23.
Ø Jesus will be back before some disciples die but later claims he said something else. Matthew 16:28 compare to John 21:21-23.
6. The crucifixion. Two tales of two thieves: Matthew 27:38-44 and Mark 15:27-32 compared to Luke 23:39-43.
7. Jesus blesses the “peacemakers” but later says that he came not to bring peace to the earth but “a sword” by dividing families: Matthew 5:9 compare to Matthew 10:34.
8. Christian view on women:
Ø Women should shut up in church: 1 Corinthians 14:34-35.
Ø Women should wear a head covering on their heads in church: 1 Corinthians 11:3-6.
Ø Women should not teach men: 1 Timothy 2:11-15.
9. Christian view on slavery: 1 Peter 2:18-20.
10. Disappearing verses: John 7:53-8:11.
11. Multiple endings for Jesus’ departure: Mark 16:9-19.
2016 death of my father who told me don't come back if your a Witness...still hurts my soul! Warning you all!!
by Witness 007 ini last spoke to my father in march 1990. we finished a "quick build" kingdom hall and i had a 17 year old spiritual awakening and decided to drop high school to pioneer full time.
(yes i was a dumb ass) he was not happy since my parents were divorced he was catholic.
we had a arguement and he said stay in school get a degree...and dont come back if your a witness!!
Village Idiot
Sorry to hear the grief you're going through.
Invisible Pink Unicorns and Ferris Bueller
by schnell ini've been reading a few articles about parodic religions.
the warning about parodic religions is that they might actually get organized and be taken too seriously.
it might actually become an "ism.